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The development focus and prospect of stamping die

The selection of development priorities should be determined according to market demand, development trends and current conditions. It can be described separately according to product focus, technical focus and other key points.   1. The focus of stamping die product development. There are 7 sub-categories of stamping dies, and some are called according to their service targets. What is in urgent need of development is automotive panel molds, multi-functional, multi-station progressive dies and fine blanking dies. These molds are now contradictory in production and demand, and the development prospects are good.  The development focus of automobile cover molds is the large and medium-sized cover molds for medium and high-end cars with high technical requirements, especially outer cover molds. Stamping dies for high-strength plates and unequal-thickness plates, large multi-station progressive dies, and continuous dies will have rapid development in the future. The development focus of the multi-functional, multi-station progressive die is the progressive die with high precision, high efficiency and large size and long life. The development focus of the fine blanking die is the large-scale fine blanking die of the thick plate fine blanking die, and its precision is continuously improved.  2. The focus of stamping die technology development. The future development trend of mold technology is mainly toward informatization, high-speed production and high-precision development. Therefore, in terms of design technology, the focus of development is to vigorously promote the application of CAD/CAE/CAM technology and continue to improve efficiency, especially the computer simulation analysis technology of the sheet forming process. Mold CAD and CAM technology should be developed in the direction of pleasant, integrated, intelligent and networked, and the degree of specialization of mold CAD and CAM systems should be improved.   In order to improve the application level of CAD, CAE, CAM technology, it is very important to establish a complete mold database, develop an expert system and improve the practicability of the software. In terms of processing technology, the development focus is on high-speed processing and high-precision processing. High-speed machining is currently mainly the development of high-speed milling, high-speed grinding and polishing, high-speed electrical machining and rapid mold making technology. High-precision machining is currently mainly to develop various precision machining of mold parts with precision below 1μm and surface roughness Ra≦0.1μm. Improving the standardization of molds and doing a good job in the production and supply of standard mold parts is also one of the key points in the development of stamping die technology.  In order to improve the life of stamping dies, various strengthening and super-hard processing technologies on the surface of the die are also the focus of development. For mold digital manufacturing, system integration, reverse engineering, rapid prototyping/mold manufacturing and computer-aided application technology, a comprehensive solution is formed, mold development and engineering services are provided, and the enterprise level and mold quality are comprehensively improved. This is especially the stamping mold technology. The focus of development. Recommended article: How to maintain and maintain stamping parts processing equipment Previous: The difference between single die, continuous die, and composite die

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Vzhledem k tomu, že technologie pokračuje rychlým tempem, není svět lisování olověných rámů výjimkou
žádná data
Dongguan Fortuna byla založena v roce 2003. Má tovární plochu 16 000 metrů čtverečních a 260 zaměstnanců. Jedná se o výrobní podnik specializující se na přesné lisování kovových dílů, přesné CNC zpracování, vstřikování a montáž výrobků.
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