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Precautions for heat treatment of stainless steel filter

Stainless steel filter screen manufacturer Precision Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., punching and processing mesh forming, stainless steel filter mesh, filter plate, stainless steel mesh plate and other mesh products. These products have to undergo different process treatments under different usage conditions. Sometimes the hardness of the stainless steel filter screen is required to be higher. At this time, we have to heat the product. What should I pay attention to when performing heat treatment? When the surface of the workpiece is sprayed with oil, the product cannot be directly handled by hand, and clean gloves should be worn for operation. When there is lubricating oil or cutting fluid on the surface of the product, it must be fully degreased in trichloroethylene degreaser and caustic soda solution and then cleaned with warm water before heat treatment. If there is debris on the surface of the stainless steel filter, heating will certainly affect the oxide scale. The difference of the atmosphere in the furnace of the stainless steel filter screen The atmosphere in the furnace is different in various parts, and the formation of oxide scale will also change, which is also the cause of unevenness after pickling. Therefore, when heating, the atmosphere of each part of the furnace must be similar. For this reason, the cycle of atmosphere must be considered. If the bricks, asbestos, etc. of the stand used for the heated workpiece contain moisture, the moisture will evaporate during heating. The atmosphere of the part directly in contact with water vapor will be different from that of other parts, and the formation of oxide scale will of course be inconsistent. . Objects that are in direct contact with the heated product must be fully dried before they can be used. After drying, if placed at room temperature, moisture will still condense on the surface of the mesh when the humidity is high. It is generally dried before application. There is a difference between the scale of the stainless steel that is directly contacted by the oil flame and that of the stainless steel that is not in contact. Therefore, the workpiece cannot directly touch the flame port during heating. If there is residual oxide scale in the processed part of the stainless steel product before heat treatment, after heating, there will be a difference in the thickness and composition of the oxide scale, which will cause the uneven surface after pickling. So pay attention not only to the final heat treatment, but also to the center heat treatment and pickling. In the process of heat treatment, pay attention to the above points to make the heat treatment of the stainless steel filter plate more smoothly.

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Dongguan Fortuna byla založena v roce 2003. Má tovární plochu 16 000 metrů čtverečních a 260 zaměstnanců. Jedná se o výrobní podnik specializující se na přesné lisování kovových dílů, přesné CNC zpracování, vstřikování a montáž výrobků.
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