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Method to prevent wrinkle of scaffold stamping parts

In the production work, if the operation is improper or is affected by some other factors, it may cause the scaffolding stamping parts to wrinkle. This will inevitably affect the surface quality and aesthetics of the product, and it will also cause a lot of waste of manpower and financial resources, and waste of resources. In order to reduce production costs and improve quality, we need to take reasonable measures to avoid wrinkling of scaffold stamping parts. First of all, we should clarify the specific factors that may cause the scaffold stamping parts to wrinkle. Analyzing from the actual working situation, if the positioning of the blank is unstable, it will cause partial pressure to be unable to hold the material, improper shape of the pressing surface, and uneven feeding will cause wrinkling. In addition, if the blank holder force is too small, the improper gap between the blank holders will cause the problem of 'loose inside and tight outsideIn addition, during the stamping process, due to improper direction arrangement of the bucket elevator, or the blank of the scaffold stamping part of the trial punching is too soft, the material strength is low, the blank size is too small, and the material cannot be suppressed. Wrinkle phenomenon. At the same time, pay attention to reasonable lubrication, otherwise too much lubricating oil or too frequent brushing may also cause such problems. For the reasons summarized above, if you want to solve this problem, the measures you can take are: if the positioning of the scaffold stamping parts is unstable, it should be adjusted and fixed in time, and if necessary, a pre-bending process should be added to ensure the stamping When making parts, the blank will not run off. In addition, the quality of the raw materials of the scaffolding stamping parts must be strictly controlled, and the oiling work must be carried out in accordance with the specified requirements. In view of the improper stamping direction of scaffold stamping parts, a comprehensive analysis should be done in the design stage to ensure the stamping direction of the parts. When the quality requirements of the parts are high, it is necessary to re-develop the mold and adjust the stamping direction. Related news: The characteristics of the main materials of stamping parts, the handling of common problems of stamping parts, the characteristics of scaffolding stamping parts and the importance of inspections

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žádná data
Dongguan Fortuna byla založena v roce 2003. Má tovární plochu 16 000 metrů čtverečních a 260 zaměstnanců. Jedná se o výrobní podnik specializující se na přesné lisování kovových dílů, přesné CNC zpracování, vstřikování a montáž výrobků.
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