
One Stop Solution Výrobce pro všechny druhy lisovacích produktů a CNC soustružených produktů.

How to avoid the defects of stamping parts?

The raw materials of metal stamping parts should have a quality certificate, which guarantees that the materials meet the specified technical requirements. When there is no quality certificate or due to other reasons, the metal stamping parts manufacturer can select raw materials for re-inspection as needed. Chemical analysis and metallographic maintenance: Analyze the content of chemical elements in the material; determine the grain size and average degree of the material; evaluate the level of free cementite, band structure and non-metallic inclusions in the material; check the shrinkage and looseness of the material And other defects. The processing of stamping parts requires the processed material to have higher plasticity and toughness, lower yield ratio and aging sensitivity, and generally require carbon steel elongation δ≥16%, yield ratio σs/σb≤70%, low Alloy high-strength steel δ≥14%, σs/σb≤80%. Otherwise, the stamping performance is poor, and certain measures must be taken in the process, thereby increasing the manufacturing cost of the parts. Stamping can produce workpieces with stiffeners, ribs, undulations or flanges that are difficult to manufacture by other methods to improve their rigidity. Because of the use of precision molds, the precision of the workpiece can reach the micron level, and the repeatability is high, the specifications are consistent, and holes, bosses, etc. can be punched out.   Mould is the main process equipment for stamping processing. The surface quality, dimensional tolerances, productivity and economic benefits of stamping parts have a great relationship with the mold structure and its reasonable design. According to the combination of stamping process, it is divided into: single process simple mold, multi-process continuous mold and composite mold. Stamping equipment mainly includes mechanical presses and hydraulic presses. In mass production, high-speed presses or multi-station automatic presses should be used as much as possible; in small batch production, especially in the production of large thick plate stamping parts, hydraulic presses are often used.   Stamping parts processing, the blanks are mainly plates, strips, pipes and other profiles, using stamping equipment through the role of the mold to obtain the required part shape and size. Materials, molds and equipment are the three elements of stamping. The precision and surface condition of Dongguan metal stamping parts are lower than cold metal stamping parts, but still better than castings and forgings, and the amount of cutting processing is less. Measurement of other functional requirements: the measurement of the electromagnetic function of the material and the adhesion to the coating and coating. Previous post: How to formulate a stamping processing plan?

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žádná data
Dongguan Fortuna byla založena v roce 2003. Má tovární plochu 16 000 metrů čtverečních a 260 zaměstnanců. Jedná se o výrobní podnik specializující se na přesné lisování kovových dílů, přesné CNC zpracování, vstřikování a montáž výrobků.
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