
One Stop Solution Výrobce pro všechny druhy lisovacích produktů a CNC soustružených produktů.

How about the application prospect of Stamping parts for precison terminals?

The current application of Stamping parts for precison terminals is mainly focused on the manufacturing industry for industrial use. Though it may finally go to the individual consumers, the direct target is still the industry. It is expected that one day it could be restructured to meet the demand in daily life. This is not only for profit making, but also for product sustainability. Dongguan Fortuna Metals Co, Ltd.is a good example. We do foreign business with purchasers mainly, and besides, we expand the application in the domestic market for individual use.

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Fortuna has rich experience in stamping parts's production and R&D. Fortuna's stamping parts is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. Fortunaprecision stamping products is constantly inspected. It is checked for issues in stitching, including conducting seam strength tests and checks for fraying, skipped stitches, open stitches, crooked stitches, and puckered seams. It is widely used because of better cast property and higher mechanical performance. It comes with the assurance of the highest quality and superior electric performance. It always works stably and reliably even in rigorous conditions. The product is widely accepted for its resistance to splitting.

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We make a big commitment to internal and external customer satisfaction and to best practice decisions in every facet of the business. Ask!

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Dongguan Fortuna byla založena v roce 2003. Má tovární plochu 16 000 metrů čtverečních a 260 zaměstnanců. Jedná se o výrobní podnik specializující se na přesné lisování kovových dílů, přesné CNC zpracování, vstřikování a montáž výrobků.
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