
One Stop Solution Výrobce pro všechny druhy lisovacích produktů a CNC soustružených produktů.

cnc lathe parts&&&metal stamping parts manufacturers
cnc lathe parts-metal stamping parts manufacturers Fortuna is proud to be among the world's fastest growing brands. The competition is increasingly fierce, but the sales of these products still remain robust. Our products are continual top performers because they meet and exceed customer needs. Most customers have the high comment on these products, whose positive feedback and referrals have effectively helped our brand to build higher awareness among the public.

Fortuna cnc lathe parts-metal stamping parts manufacturers cnc lathe parts-metal stamping parts manufacturers from Dongguan Fortuna Metals Co, Ltd. is designed in accordance with the principle of simplicity. The product uses eco-friendly materials, which causes no harm to the environment. It is manufactured in the advanced workshop that helps reduce cost. Besides, we invest time and money in research and development, resulting in the product achieving world-class performance.stamping components,quality stamping products,stamping products.
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Dongguan Fortuna byla založena v roce 2003. Má tovární plochu 16 000 metrů čtverečních a 260 zaměstnanců. Jedná se o výrobní podnik specializující se na přesné lisování kovových dílů, přesné CNC zpracování, vstřikování a montáž výrobků.
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2-47-10-203 Nishifunahashi, Hirakata City, Osaka
Ne. 226, Shida Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan 523810, Guangdong, Čína
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